Exotic Business Solution

Malaysia Certificate of Incorporation

The issuance of the Certificate of Incorporation is part of the company incorporation procedures in Malaysia. We can purchase the Certificate of Incorporation from Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) upon compliance with the incorporation procedures and submission of the complete Incorporation Documents.

What Kind of Information is Included in the Certificate?

There are some basic information (which is also the most important) can be found in the certificate:

  1. Company Name
  2. Date of Incorporation
  3. Company Number

The Certificate of Incorporation is in local language (Malay language) and a certified registry copy can be provided.

Why Does a Company Need the Certificate of Incorporation?

The certificate plays a part in proving the existence of the business entity. SSM issues a copy (or a certified copy) of the Certificate of Incorporation certifying that a company is legally incorporated under the Companies Act of Malaysia.

Changes under the New Company Act 2016

Earlier this, CCM has launched a new online MyCoID portal where people can access the electronic templates required for incorporation (i.e. Form 6, Form 48A and M&A under the previous Companies Act 1965). Aimed to promote simple and hassle-free incorporation procedures, MyCoID is an online company incorporation and registration service that will speed up the company incorporation process.

Echoing the new online portal, under the new Company Act 2016, CCM will issue a notice of registration via email after the company is incorporated. The ‘notice of registration’ that will be conclusive evidence of incorporation. However, we can purchase the Certificate of Incorporation from CCM instead of issue automatically from CCM.

If you are registering a new company and you need assistance in getting a Certificate of Incorporation, please do not hesitate to contact us today!